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SAO on the Women's Run in Bern and Winterthur


On August 28th 2021, 18 women ran for SAO Association at the Swiss Women's Run Bern, showing solidarity with displaced women. Among them, some familiar faces, such as Margret Kiener Nellen, Eva Baltensperger and Franziska Teuscher, all Swiss politicians. Wearing the yellow SAO shirts, we drew attention to our work and completed the 5km or 10 km course successfully.

One week later, on September 5th,2021, for women participated in another women's run, this time in Winterthur. One of our runners, Amani, ranked 5th in her age category with a time of 49:07 minutes for 10 kilometres. Congratulations!

We would like to thank the participants with all of our heart for running with us and showing solidarity with displaced women. We enjoyed the time with you!


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