Ruha Said
This month, Ruha completed the third semester of her studies in Radiology Nursing. It also contained a practical period of two months in the hospital of Kristianstad. To overcome the distance between her home and the hospital, it takes about 2.5 hours. Because of financial reasons, it wasn't possible for Ruha to rent an additional room close to her working place. This means that she commuted every day for a total of 5 hours. Strong snowfalls made her commute even more difficult and prolonged her commute additionally. But she stood firm and completed the practical period, in which she learnt to take x-ray pictures and was introduced to computed tomography, successfully. During Christmas Break, even on 31st of December and also in January, she had her last exams. Now she is looking forward to the 4th semester.
Read more about Ruha here.

Ronahi Said
Since April 2021, Ronahi is studying to become an Early Childhood Education Specialist. "I’m very happy with my decision", she says. "I am progressing, which is very important to me, and I feel much more confident. I am in the right place and I’m even starting to think about doing higher studies after finishing.
I’m blessed and thankful for being supported by SAO and all its amazing members. I will do my very best to make them and myself proud being able to stand on my own feet".
Read more about Ronahi here.
Still No Definite Residence Permit
The two sisters arrived in Sweden 5 years ago, learnt Swedish on C1 level, completed their A-levels and started their studies. But even after all this time and effort, it is still not sure whether they will be allowed to stay in Sweden for good or not. Their provisional residence permits expired in December, and it will now take a few months until they will know if they get a new permit and if so, which one.
Would you like to support our students more directly? Support them with a study sponsorship! For more information, please contact Annick Girardier, backontrack@sao.ngo.
You can read more about our students in the newly updated portraits: sao.ngo/back-on-track
Our third Back on Track student Amani completed her Master's degree last summer successfully. More about this here: Blog Article Amani