Crowdfunding 2024: Goodies List
Here you can find the goodies that we are not able to show on the Crowdfunding Platform
Crowdfunding 2024: Goodies List
Acute shortage of donations on Lesvos
TEDx Talk by SAO-Founder Raquel Herzog
SAO Charity Event 2022
Meaningful Christmas Gifts from SAO
Visiting Greece Again After 1.5 Years
SAO on the Women's Run in Bern and Winterthur
Ursula Wyss Joins the Board of Directors
Fifty and More - Julia Hofstetter Portrays Raquel Herzog
Philine Zimmerli & Noemi Grütter New on the Board of Directors
Hamdi Receives New Prostheses
Internationally well connected.
The adventure of transporting relief supplies: on the road to Lesvos by car and trailer